
Harsh Truths No wants to hear

 Let's face it. Life is unfair and brutal. However, the shocking truth is that we love to cover it with fantasy to make us feel better but in the end, the truth must come to light. So here are some shocking truths that we need to hear No one cares about you if you don't care about yourself - This may come off as harsh but it's the truth. Everyone in life is trying to live their lives to the maximum potential. Everyone is trying to climb over the backs of others to reach their goals. That's why it's called a rat race; there is one cheese and a million rats. Sure you may be asking how come there are aid organizations and counseling agencies? Simple, they are there to collect the wounded and move them off the side so others can continue life's race, and they may be also diversion tactics to keep you off your goals, so they can achieve theirs.  You will be forgotten one day -  You only have a limited amount of time at the place you are in life. Everything that you ...

Things that are not worth it anymore

Things from the past will also lose its value. Customs and values are always changing. We live in a world that is always, but we always seem to not let go off the past. This list will describe things that are just not  worth it any more. University Degree - We have been told by our parents and teachers that we need to go to college or university to get a good job. So what do we do? Just that. Then comes the problem of not being able to find a job or working a job which requires no job. Then we begin to think that we have failed. The problem is that college does not prepare you for the workforce nor does it teach you the skills to provide employment. It just gives you useless knowledge that no one wants. Look at most of the most successful people today, they have no college degrees, but they still make millions. They have the right connections, and they have no student loan debts. Neither are they stuck in a job that they regret taking. In today's world knowledge is not important...

Persons to avoid in life

Here's a confession. I am an anti-social person. I don't have many real friends or close friends. Many times I have been told that I need to be more social able. However, in my attempts to be more social able to people, I have meet some people who were not really nice or genuine. These persons have torn me down, ridicule me or made me feel bad about myself even when I'm in a good mood. So to avoid it happening again to me in the future, I have become more selective of the persons who I interact with in the future and withhold certain details about myself from persons. Here are the types of persons I have become aware of in my life. The bragger or superficial person - These persons like to show off to people everything that is going on good in their life. They wear the latest clothes, shoes, hats and oftens sports high-end cellphones and gadgets even when their salary or income cannot maintain that lifestyle. When they see a humble person with ordinary clothes and gadgets...

How to tell when you're not valued (worthless)

In life, we all try to seek the approval of the persons around us. We want to be liked, loved, respected, praise and cherished. However, there are some situations where persons will not value you even though some will pretend to value you. For these situations, I will give some tips to help you know when you're not being valued You always have to initiate the conversation. Sure, conversations are good and everything but if you are the one always starting it that should be a major red flag. Conversations are a method in which people share values and attitudes with each other. If you are the one always starting the conversation with your friends or group of colleagues it means that these people do not value anything that you're saying. Sure, they may go with the flow of your conversation but when it comes to giving their input it is often short and to the point, as to end the conversation quickly. This manoeuvre is used to get out of your way as soon as possible because ...

Lessons to be learnt in life (Part 2)

In Life, there are moments which if we had the knowledge of the situation or even paid attention to would fair better or avoid any unnecessary problems within our life. Some of these moments are common for every human being and we share similar backgrounds and characteristics. So here the objective is to impart some knowledge to the youth or persons who need some guidance with there lives. 1.      The world does not revolve around you.   Many persons have this view that the society or the world must cater to all their needs, wants desires, pain, and happiness. What they fail to realize is the world does not care about them. In fact, it may not even recognize their existence as they are just seen as a statistic. The world has its own rules, regulations, and standards. Everything on the planet must follow these principles and failure to do so will result in the individual being left behind. 2.      No one owes you anything . Peop...

Reasons female friends are the worst

I think it is safe to say that I don't want any more female friends. This is not to say that the current female friend is better but I think there is a time when a man needs to recognize that too much of one thing is bad enough. I have recently noticed that more females are settling for male friends rather than boyfriends or regular females. Many of them state the benefits males offer to them. However, are female good friends? This is article will show why women are terrible friends. Note, this article will trigger persons who don't have an open mind or easily offended so if you are in this category leave now. Controversy is always good. Females think only one side . Females tended to think that their perspective of the world is the correct perspective. They forget to see the viewpoints of other persons in the world. Many times with females, males tend to have a hard time getting them to accept our viewpoint. Our viewpoint is often considered mad or impossible. However, for ...

The Modern Woman

Women today have come along way from the women of yesterday. They are progressive, aggressive and proactive. Even though modern women exist in today's society, they are usually hard to recognize. In this article, the characteristics of the modern women will be identified to help my fellow readers. Modern women are highly motivated. They don't need anyone to encourage them or enlighten them. They move on their own speed. They have the belief that nothing is impossible for them even if it is out of their reach. Modern women feel that they are entitled to anything and everything. They believe that the world is against them and they need compensation for their struggles. Due to this the world gives them their heart's desires whether position and monetary donations. Modern women feel that they should be treated equal as males. They often complain that males are opened to better opportunities which they feel marginalized. Due to this, society has opened up certain male domi...