Harsh Truths No wants to hear

 Let's face it. Life is unfair and brutal. However, the shocking truth is that we love to cover it with fantasy to make us feel better but in the end, the truth must come to light. So here are some shocking truths that we need to hear

  • No one cares about you if you don't care about yourself- This may come off as harsh but it's the truth. Everyone in life is trying to live their lives to the maximum potential. Everyone is trying to climb over the backs of others to reach their goals. That's why it's called a rat race; there is one cheese and a million rats. Sure you may be asking how come there are aid organizations and counseling agencies? Simple, they are there to collect the wounded and move them off the side so others can continue life's race, and they may be also diversion tactics to keep you off your goals, so they can achieve theirs. 
  • You will be forgotten one day -  You only have a limited amount of time at the place you are in life. Everything that you do in your time period will be completely erased in the future. You only have the present moment which you live in. Look at the people in the past; we barely know anything about them or how they lived their daily lives. All we know is that we are currently walking on top of their graves and trampling on their buildings. So what I am trying to say is that we are only guaranteed the present.
  • History only remembers the winners - Look at everything that happens in the past. What stories are told? They are stories of great victories in conquest, success, and honor from ancient warriors. However, the stories of the losers are not told. No one cares about the civilizations of North America before the Europeans, but we cherish the victories of the great European explorers in conquering this land. You will never hear about the killing of unarmed natives who helped them through the winters or welcomed them with open arms. No to mention, about all the wars from the past Or even look at Africa, with all its resources stolen by Europe and America and their natives not allowed to even set foot on the soil without permission but Europeans are free to roam Africa. History is always the story about the winners.
  • People are selfish- In today's world, we are told to look for ourselves. People will only do things for you as long as it is in their own interest. Rarely you will find persons doing things out of the kindness of their hearts. So don't expect people to come to your rescue when you are in trouble.
  • Money runs the world- Let's face it. Money is power. The more money you have the better your life will be. Rich people tend to have better lives than the poor and fewer problems. It is because money helps to open doors for them which the poor person could not open easily. The rich pay fewer taxes have fewer legal problems, have an amazing social life, and have excellent healthcare. So if you want to live a better life get more money.


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