Persons to avoid in life

Here's a confession. I am an anti-social person. I don't have many real friends or close friends. Many times I have been told that I need to be more social able. However, in my attempts to be more social able to people, I have meet some people who were not really nice or genuine. These persons have torn me down, ridicule me or made me feel bad about myself even when I'm in a good mood. So to avoid it happening again to me in the future, I have become more selective of the persons who I interact with in the future and withhold certain details about myself from persons. Here are the types of persons I have become aware of in my life.

  1. The bragger or superficial person- These persons like to show off to people everything that is going on good in their life. They wear the latest clothes, shoes, hats and oftens sports high-end cellphones and gadgets even when their salary or income cannot maintain that lifestyle. When they see a humble person with ordinary clothes and gadgets, they ridicule them and consider them to be nothing more than scum or unworthy of their company. These individuals so like to highlight their every major achievements constantly but downgrade your achievements as mere luck. 
  2. The judgmental person - These persons like to find fault with everything that you do; whether it is good or bad. Nothing that you do can please them. When you do something, they say you should have done nothing and when you do nothing, they say you should do something. When you go left, they say right would have been a better option and when you go right, they say left would have been nicer. These persons like to put themselves as authority figures on correct procedures as if they know the best ways to get the excellent results even when they are not skilled on the area which they are scrutinizing.
  3. The talkative loud mouth person (gossiper) - these persons can't keep their mouth shut. Anything you say to them in private will be announced publicly and openly to the general. They can't hold private information, and they like to broadcast news to everyone they know. They also like to dig up dirt on people and scandalize them. When asked by certain people about their behaviour they claim they like to speak their mind and not withhold the truth. These persons like to think that they are doing good when they are talking about other people, but they are only putting the person down.
  4. The user/manipulator - these people only come to you when they want something from you. They pretend to be your best friend only to use you to accomplish one of their personal goals or objectives. These persons like to influence you to do certain activities in their favour claiming that it will make you look good as a person. When you accomplish these activities, they disappear, or they drop you like hot bread. No communication will be maintained by these individuals after they get what they want.
  5. The bully - these persons like to take advantage of people they consider to be weak. They use abuse language to the person and often threaten the person with violence or total embarrassment. They are just like the manipulator only a lot more aggressive. These persons like to believe that they are unstoppable when they in fact are hiding their weaknesses from society, and they over empathize their strengths on weaker individuals. They can be stopped only when strongly confronted or cornered.
  6. The emotional train wreck - these persons can control their emotions. One minute they are happy next minute they are sad. They often triggered by the slightest disturbance, and they are very quick to fight or ran away. 
  7. The control freak - these persons like to take charge of everything and anything. They are just like the judgmental person however, they like to be in the driver seat. They feel that every that they touch will turn to goal and other persons will only just make things look shoddy. These persons don't like to play second fiddle.
What to do with these individuals
 As social being we can't avoid every person on this list as they are in  all our daily interactions. However, we can control the situations in which we encounter with these persons. We have to limit our actions with these persons and only show them the basic interface. Don't get too personal with a lot of persons and analyse the company which we keep. Be aware of the certain situations which you can avoid. You should also declare your boundaries and be willing to maintain them when pressure arises.


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