Reasons female friends are the worst

I think it is safe to say that I don't want any more female friends. This is not to say that the current female friend is better but I think there is a time when a man needs to recognize that too much of one thing is bad enough. I have recently noticed that more females are settling for male friends rather than boyfriends or regular females. Many of them state the benefits males offer to them. However, are female good friends? This is article will show why women are terrible friends. Note, this article will trigger persons who don't have an open mind or easily offended so if you are in this category leave now. Controversy is always good.

  1. Females think only one side. Females tended to think that their perspective of the world is the correct perspective. They forget to see the viewpoints of other persons in the world. Many times with females, males tend to have a hard time getting them to accept our viewpoint. Our viewpoint is often considered mad or impossible. However, for their viewpoint, they will not let up until we accept their perspective whether we agree with it or not.
  2. Females don't like and will not comprise to anything. Females have the view that they can never be wrong. They always expect things to go their way. When in a group, they will always challenge to get their decision to the forefront. However, when their decision is declined, expect to see them in a corner moping about how the world is unfair.
  3. Females only align themselves to winners. Females like to be associated with persons, companies or organization. You will never see them in the grassroots building up a person or company from scratch but only when the zenith is reached. For example, men are often devout fans of a sports team even when that team is not doing well or playing in a higher league. This devotion can be seen in their cheers, club history and support for the club. However, female only support teams which are top of the league. They might not know the players in the club ( only the cute ones) but they do know that the team is winning. Mark you, once the team loses they on another top team.
  4. Females like to use people. Not liking using people is wrong but the way females use people is criminal. When they use you, they do it in a manner in which you will be rewarded but there is no guarantee that you will be rewarded. It is used in a manner in which they don't promise anything. Many times I've seen males doing tasks for female friends expecting to get rewarded for duties not realizing they were used for the females personal gain under the guise of chivalry. 
  5. Females don't check up on their male friends. It is no secret that males will look out for their friends. Occasionally, men will check up on their friends to catch up on old times, share experiences or have a little. These activities will solidify the relationship that males have each other. However, in the male-female relationship, things are a little different. It is left up to the male to keep the connection. However, if the male fails to keep up the connection, the friendship is over. The female will not contact the male to see how he's doing or whether if he's alright or doing OK. The only time females contact males are when they want the male to complete a task for them.
  6. Females give bad relationship advice. Females tend to have a fairy tale concept of relationship. They believe that love and relationship can be magically solved by fate or destiny or a magic wand. This is due to fact that they read beauty magazines and Instagram post about how relationships should work written by persons who have never ever been in one. The truth is relationships are built by action, not fate or destiny. If you don't put in anything you won't get anything out of it ( I should be a relationship counselor, even though I've never had one 😊).
So there is my point of viewpoint. I expect a lot of angry messages or upset persons also it also enlighten another set of persons. I hope this has been fruitful for you.


  1. It's interesting that one of the points you have there says 'Females have the view that they can never be wrong.' I think that extends across both genders. My only bone to pick with this article is that it is grossly exaggerated as we all know that not all females are the same. I think a lot of what is noted there can be extended to males as well. It may be that this was written based on your experience or what you've seen, but I hope you keep in mind that the world isn't black and white and that these points don't extend to all females.

    1. I knew I would trigger someone even though I placed a warning at the beginning. Thanks for the input Kim


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