The Modern Woman

Women today have come along way from the women of yesterday. They are progressive, aggressive and proactive. Even though modern women exist in today's society, they are usually hard to recognize. In this article, the characteristics of the modern women will be identified to help my fellow readers.
  1. Modern women are highly motivated. They don't need anyone to encourage them or enlighten them. They move on their own speed. They have the belief that nothing is impossible for them even if it is out of their reach.
  2. Modern women feel that they are entitled to anything and everything. They believe that the world is against them and they need compensation for their struggles. Due to this the world gives them their heart's desires whether position and monetary donations.
  3. Modern women feel that they should be treated equal as males. They often complain that males are opened to better opportunities which they feel marginalized. Due to this, society has opened up certain male dominated sectors to women whether it is sports or industry.
  4. Modern women are more aggressive. Gone are the days when women used to be gentle and kind. Now they are tough, manipulative, fearless and bold. They are now willing to fight anything even if they have to start a fight. Submission is no longer the game.
  5. Modern women are progressive. They always want to obtain the highest achievement possible whether at work, school or leisure. For them, being on top is the only way and they will not settle for less. They are also update with the current trends on how they can be on top of the game.
So there you have it; the modern women. I hope this article was informative and would help you on your journey in life.


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