Things that are not worth it anymore

Things from the past will also lose its value. Customs and values are always changing. We live in a world that is always, but we always seem to not let go off the past. This list will describe things that are just not  worth it any more.
  1. University Degree - We have been told by our parents and teachers that we need to go to college or university to get a good job. So what do we do? Just that. Then comes the problem of not being able to find a job or working a job which requires no job. Then we begin to think that we have failed. The problem is that college does not prepare you for the workforce nor does it teach you the skills to provide employment. It just gives you useless knowledge that no one wants. Look at most of the most successful people today, they have no college degrees, but they still make millions. They have the right connections, and they have no student loan debts. Neither are they stuck in a job that they regret taking. In today's world knowledge is not important but connecting with the people will be more valued. Let's face it, who has time to listen to a lecture on science but people will always watch the latest music videos or watch the biggest YouTuber videos and these people never went to university or college.
  2. Being Nice to People - being the nice guy does not get you any respect in today's society. Once you try to be nice to people you have automatically become the doormat. To get respect from people today, you have to be fierce, mean and borderline confrontational. Until then people will start to respect you. I remember once I had loaned some money to a colleague, and he told me would pay me back. Then he ditched me and I asked about him. It wasn't until when I started to get mad and aggressive that he came back and I received my payment. The lesson I learnt was don't be too nice.
  3. Marriage - marriage has gone down the toilet. The only reason people get married nowadays is to show off the single friends that they have someone. Marriage is only a show. It just for people to stick your nose into your personal business and the old claim is that the partner will make you happy. However, in today's society 50% of all marriages end in divorce and over 40% of all abuse happens in marital relationship. Married couples also have a lower rate of satisfaction and content with their relationship with more extra martial affairs happen more than before. But you know marriage is still a happy place.
  4. Relationship - this is another thing that is truly overrated. TV has brainwashed into thinking that the one will have everything right. Let me give you a word of advice. If you are with someone to make you complete, then you are not complete. Only you can make yourself complete. Don't expect someone to add value to your life as they are only seeking to add value to their own. Relationships are dime a dozen. They have lost their value. People only get in them your social validation and approval. We like the idea of being with someone because of what we see in the films and that we fear being ridiculed by others. Singles today are living more happy and productive lives than couple but yet they are constant ridiculed by society. Single life is not that bad as it seems.
  5. Drugs - even though its in every song nowadays, dugs are things not to be played with. Artist constantly promote them along with sexuality as the best things in life. However, they only do more damage than good. It ruins constant lives and makes countless fatal yet people are still on it. We need to as a people focus on other aspects of life instead of the trivial activities.
  6. Traditional Jobs - with the growth of the internet, the traditional 9 to 5 work is being slowly phased out. The days are gone when you had to go out in the morning, wait at the bus stop or in traffic to reach work on time to stay in small box for 8 hours. Now one can stay at home and make a living. Also, they don't have to deal with the troubles that comes with a traditional job where you have to deal with unscrupulous co-workers, overpowering boss and long working hours. They just select their own hours and the time which they choose to work.


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