How to tell when you're not valued (worthless)
In life, we all try to seek the approval of the persons around us. We want to be liked, loved, respected, praise and cherished. However, there are some situations where persons will not value you even though some will pretend to value you. For these situations, I will give some tips to help you know when you're not being valued
- You always have to initiate the conversation. Sure, conversations are good and everything but if you are the one always starting it that should be a major red flag. Conversations are a method in which people share values and attitudes with each other. If you are the one always starting the conversation with your friends or group of colleagues it means that these people do not value anything that you're saying. Sure, they may go with the flow of your conversation but when it comes to giving their input it is often short and to the point, as to end the conversation quickly. This manoeuvre is used to get out of your way as soon as possible because they see you as a nuisance or possibly disturbed by your presence.
- They make excuses when you make plans with them. Sure there is the understanding that in life there are situations that will arise which will interrupt plans that you have with another person, however, when a person constantly makes excuses about not showing up it is a sign that the person does not value your time. Note, if a person really wants to hang with you, they'll do whatever it takes to meet up with you even if they have to reschedule the date. Persons who make up excuses will never try to make an effort to meet you as they may not see you as a priority.
- They take anything of importance from you for granted. When you have done a major achievement in your life, these persons will negatively criticize the work done to that achievement. They would say that you were not tested properly or that you were given an easy break. They will tend to downplay all the work which you have done to achieve.
- Information hardly reaches you. In your organisation or circle of colleagues and acquaintances, persons who do not value you may not share valuable information with you as they may view you not important enough to receive it. This information, in their eyes, wouldn't be relevant to you. And if the information finally reaches you it becomes invalid or irrelevant.
- You are left out of important events. Persons who don't value will leave out of certain events such as birthday parties, trips or any other excursion. This is because your presence would be seen as a nuisance or plainly unwelcomed. Sometimes when you hear about the event, the persons will try to find ways to indicate how you can't make it, for example, telling you the spaces have been filled or telling you a different time, date or location to throw you off.
What to do when your not valued
If you notice that you are not being valued by a set of persons, it is best that you avoid these persons and find persons who value you. If persons value you, you'll always have their attention and commitment. Also, have value for yourself before you seek value from others.
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