Lessons to be learnt in life (Part 2)

In Life, there are moments which if we had the knowledge of the situation or even paid attention to would fair better or avoid any unnecessary problems within our life. Some of these moments are common for every human being and we share similar backgrounds and characteristics. So here the objective is to impart some knowledge to the youth or persons who need some guidance with there lives.

1.     The world does not revolve around you.  Many persons have this view that the society or the world must cater to all their needs, wants desires, pain, and happiness. What they fail to realize is the world does not care about them. In fact, it may not even recognize their existence as they are just seen as a statistic. The world has its own rules, regulations, and standards. Everything on the planet must follow these principles and failure to do so will result in the individual being left behind.
2.     No one owes you anything. People have this view that they are obliged to certain privileges, rights, gifts, and charity. However, they fail to remember the important rule in life; " Nothing is promised to anyone or anything". Life is a game of chance, things are given based on merit. Everything in life had to be worked hard for including the air we breathe on a daily basis. Sitting and waiting for things to come to you is something that only happens in an imaginary universe. Therefore, you must work for anything you want.
3.     Life is unfair and unchangeable. In life, the things that we wish for will not always go to plan and certain situations will give undesirable outcomes. Sometimes life rewards evil with good and good with evil. This is seen many times where a person works so hard to achieve their goals and at the end receiving little or no rewards. Sometimes their reward is given to another person who had no interest or input in their work. Life is a bitch sometimes but this is the moment they must get back up and try again. If they fail again, the person should try a different method to their goal or start over and begin a new chapter. Many successful persons have failed in life and they had to pick themselves up and start over. Sometimes, they had to change direction and charter a different path. Therefore, people must be willing to adapt to whatever life dishes out. 
4.     Don't expect people to help you out. People are selfish. Everyone on the planet is looking out for things that suit their own interest and objectives. If you don't fall into their category, you are most likely considered unimportant to them i.e. you are no better than trash in their eyes. So if you are in a situation where you need some help, be sure to help yourself before you seek help from others because more than likely they may not be willing to help you. Side note, if possible avoid getting yourself into difficult situations (situations which you can't handle).
5.     Always try to win and never lose. Let's face the facts; people (especially women) like winners. Everyone likes to be on the winning team and if they are not on the team at least associated with the winners. No one likes a loser. Losers have no friends or people to support them or build them up. In fact, the minute someone starts to lose, there will be a gradual exodus of persons away from their social circles. It is even seen in the bible in the book of Job. Job had everything in life at that time and the minute problems reached him everyone left him; only God was by his side and in the end, the Lord saw he was faithful and made him the winner he once was at an even higher level. So winning is important in this life and never be a loser.
6.     Never work harder, Work smarter. Everyone knows the saying " Hard work brings success". However, this is the most inaccurate and foolish advice ever. Hard work never brings success but only cements a behavior. Working smart brings success. For example, beating the books hard before an exam will not guarantee you passing, however, studying with a group or with the proper learning aid like a flashcard will more than likely see you achieving a better grade than with yourself. This is because groups help to share knowledge among its members and they help to correct any problems an individual has.Intellect is the reason successful people achieve over hard workers because of the wisdom they have to adapt to different situations. Hard workers do not know how to adapt but only continue with their known behavior. So always work smarter never harder.
So there is my advice. I hope it will bring some guidance to your life.


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