The ideal vs reality (women)

Women always state the ideals that they want in men. Some of these ideals are a good husband who takes care of their children, a perfect boyfriend who compliments on their dress or hairstyle and a man who doesn't like to stare at their breast even when they dress skimpy. In reality, women never ever go after the good guys rather the bad ones. The most confusing thing about this is that women consider these men as good men. How can this man be a good man when he has a pistol on his side? How can this man be perfect when he is noted for abusing women? You think you can change him? No you can't. The other foolish thing about women is that even when they are warned about these bad men, even from their mothers and girlfriends they still take the crappy treatment. Sigh... Women.  Another confusing thing about is their dress. Ideally women think that they can wear anything they want and not attract attention for example skimpy clothing. I don't understand what some women were thinking when they left their house like "I want to dress have naked today and nobody will see me". Unfortunately for women, all men are not blind and we see everything and follow our natural instincts. Women, I am imploring you dress properly, nobody has to see your big tits or see up your legs in public. You can still look beautiful in a moderate dress and we guys like to see that. Also, listen to your mothers, they know better. Another thing women don't make us men angry over trivial matters such as staring at other women and not listening to you; we are weak-minded creatures so just bare with us. If you like this blog, send me a comment or something. I am quite new to this blogging stuff.


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