Murder is our fault

Since the beginning of the world murder was a common thing for human. In fact at the end of this sentence, ten people would've died already. We have last week and this week the number of international murders in the news from the navy yard in Washington to the attack on the mall in Kenya. Not to mention numerous murders that are constantly happening worldwide.  This begs to wonder what is wrong with this world and what could drive people to do these things? Even though you may think that you have no part to be blamed for murder in society,  we do in fact contribute to it. We are all murderers. This may sound like harsh statement but it is true. We are murderers whether or not we pull the trigger of the gun. Every time we hurt someone's feelings we are committing murder.  Every time we see the needy or those who require our assistance and refuse to assist them, we kill them. Every time you fire your employee who can barely make ends meet, we become a murder. The world has become a tough place to live in with all these murders.  Governments have been trying for many years with no avail.  The only solution to murder is love. Love is the only people can survive through tough times, love makes us happy whenever. Even in the bible it says to love thy neighbour as thyself. The bible in fact teaches us to love even though now in today's society it is seen as a book of fables, trash and useless. Note if they were reading the bible the world wouldn't be such a tough place. Look at the golden rule, just one simple rule that we take for grant yet it has the power to change humanity. We need to learn one thing in this world and that is to love, we hate too much just give love a chance. Forgive your enemy and show mercy to one another just like how God is forgiving us and showing mercy to us everyday. Remember, love is the answer for the world today.


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