Leadership or Dictatorship?

In life, we are all told to become leaders of society. We are told to become great leaders; leaders for justice equality, justice and freedom. However in today's society, there are no leaders, just slave drivers wiping people to cut their corn fields. Society's leaders are bullies, thugs, gangsters and dictators. They demand that we follow them to destruction instead of guiding us to success. They say they will provide a better future but instead they make us lost.  In my country Jamaica, we are told to be become the future of the nation but how can I become the future of this nation when the leaders raise taxes to high levels, there is a high murder and crime rate, and the employment rate is very high and constantly climbing? How can I pay for university or even repay my student loan with no money or job? When will there be a true leader? When will we realize the path  we are on and change it? Where is our silver lining?


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