How to life as stress free, happy life as a single man

As a single man, I am continually presented that my lifestyle will lead me into misery and despair. I am told that single people live horrible lives and are often social outcast. However, I have noticed that many persons in relationship feeling isolated, frustrated, miserable, caged, abused and rejected. It is though they want to portray that their lives are typical ok when it's not. So for those considering or currently in single male life, here's my tutorial on how to life by yourself.

  • Avoid persons who are in relationship- Persons in relationships will use their relationship as something to get an advantage over you. To them, you are nobody because you don't have a girlfriend and they will constantly rub it in your face even if you hare at higher educational level than them. It is best to hang with persons with similar interest and background as you as they will take your mind about the present state that you are in by channeling you into different areas and activities. Relationships are not everything to life as there are more important things to aspire to such as education, career advancement and your well being. 
  • Work on your passion- To get over the loneliness of single life that society has place upon you, try to work on an activity that you are really passionate about. Some of these activities may be conducting experiments, sports, exercising, hiking or gaming. These activities will keep you productive and keep your brain from being lovestruck.
  • Spend some time with yourself- There is nothing wrong with being by yourself. Being alone can be good to reflect on life and refresh yourself. It is also the time you get to know yourself which includes your capabilities, your interest and your goals. Spend time by yourself also makes you independent. The reason that most men enter relationship because they feel that they are dependent on the female to satisfy their needs and when they see that it is not fulfil to feel lost and rejected. Independence is one thing that is needed to be taught to most men at a tender age as we see being taught to most women these days.
  • Control of emotions- Emotions are things that damages most males lives today. Men today care a little too much for women's attention and approval that they forget to realized that women today could care little about male issues and problems. Due to this, we see the females advancing today's society while the males being stagnated and becoming withdrawn from daily life. More males today are in prison and graveyard due to them being unable to control their emotions or behaviour. The male brain is designed differently from the female brain which is displayed in their daily social interactions. Control of emotions for males is highly needed in today's society as a male with uncontrolled emotions is like a loose cannon or a wild beast. To control these emotions, men need to find a proper channel to vent out their emotions. Women also need to realize that they play a role in the control of male emotions therefore, they must seek to understand men rather than sideline them. 
  • Avoid drugs- Drug abuse is a major problem among males than with females. This is due to the fact that drugs is glorified by males as a stress reliever and life enhancer. However, drugs will only make males fall into depression and mental instability. Male drug abusers lack rational thought and they display erratic behaviour to the general society. To live a happy life, avoiding drugs will do you some good overall.
  • Check up on your health- Male health is often placed on the back burner by males. However, health is a major asset that males have in their lives. Men should make it their duty to check up on their health on a regular basis. Not only will it ensure their happiness but it is also a good monitor for stress levels of a male.
  • Avoid negative persons- Negative person are a major hinderance to a positive life. Negative persons do not like to see persons progressing as they view as someone progressing as showing off and therefore try to pull them down. If you find that the person who you are hanging with is trying to pull you down then it is time to move on from that person. 
So these are my tips for single men living in today's society. I hope that these will motivate you to stay on a positive path. 


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