The Government of Jamaica does not care about you

Attention people. The Government of Jamaica does not care about you. Its desires are not for the people but rather for its own upliftment. You are merely pawn in its chess game. Think about it. From Independence until now there hasn't been any progress to development. The country is still struggling with the same issues from forty years ago and the leaders are telling us they have the solution. But where is it? Crime is increasing everyday, unemployment is rising and the education system is still broken ( in fact I've met more uneducated people than educated in my lifetime). Yet they say the country is improving. The truth is the government has no interest in our nation's development and it is time we hold them accountable for their actions. Too many times we hear of scandals with top ranking politicians being swept under the rug but if you were to commit any small infraction, you'd be severely punished without mercy. The Government needs to be placed under the microscope and examined effectively. We cannot sit back and not investigate them effectively. They work for us and not we for them. People! Its time to stand up.


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