My Analyst of Women

From a young age, men had very difficult time understanding women. Men have been able to solve complex algebra, calculus, visit space and develop theories of the universe. However, when comes to dealing with women, we are puzzled of what is going true their minds. But never to fear, I am hear to save the day for my fellowmen. Recently, I have been doing some observations of the female behavior and interactions. These are my findings.
  • Females are all about image. Females are very careful about the image the image that they portray to their surroundings. They try their best to look the best in any environment which they are in. To them anything that doesn't have a good image in their eyes is garbage. This can be seen in the world of fashion and beauty. Women always try to keep up with the latest trends in makeup, fashion and style. Even in their relationships, women will always try to find the man with the right image that suits them. This image may be wealthy, strength, beauty or a combination of all three. (NB. personality will not factor into this equation,sorry nice guys)
  • Females love success. I don't know about about you but in my country there are more women graduating from university than men. Women in today's world are holding top corporate positions. They are go getters and paper chasers (even though they claim not to be). Women nowadays only tend to associate with people who are establish professionals or high rollers. They however, will not be seen with a male who is trying to start his life from scratch. 
  • Females are emotional. Women are very emotional at times. Their emotions can be triggered at the slightest motion or utterance. Sometimes their conservations can be very emotionally charged that it can distract the whole point they are trying to convey to their listeners. In these instances it is best to analyze the body gestures which the female is conveying. 
  • Females like action. Female lives are basically boring. Most of their time is with conservations with their friends. Most of their conservations is usually gossip. However, rarely do they engage in extreme or wild activities. However, they are becoming more outgoing than the males of today. Today's males are restricted from movement as they please whether by their wives, girlfriends or mothers. The female on the other hand is allowed to go the gym, parties and other events without much restriction. Women are no longer to be seen as reserved and timid. 
  • Female want sexual relations but don't want to be seen as sexual objects. No matter what they say female want sexual or sensual relations. However,  they don't want to be view as sex objects as they were seen in the past. Women are just as interested in sex as men however, they would not like to objectified or mistreated as less than. After all they have sexual desires just like any creature in the world. The problem men find is the criteria to satisfy the female desires. These criteria is made by women to protect them from harm due to the fact that men often exploit women for their personal desires. 
So there is my analyst of women. If you like my article, please feel free to comment below.


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