Job Interviews, A waste of my time
Hello everyone. Its me again unemployed, broke and sponging off my parents with my degree which I can barely used. Hooray me! I know you might be saying just get a job. Well give me one and I'll shut up. One thing I realized is being unemployed is like being a nerdy virgin (which I am);wanting something but can get it. So I tried applying for some jobs and I can tell they were a complete waste of time. Imagine, I get a call for some company, I read up on the company, trim my hair, get my papers self together and practice the questions and so on. Yet, six months later unemployed. So let me tell you about my first interview. I went to the place early and all prepared and thing. I followed the book basically. The interviewer asked me two questions about my qualifications. I answered to the best of my ability. He said OK and thank you for your time. 2 minutes. Next interview was at a high school but they rejected me. Next interview was at a debt collections agency (repo company). They told me they wanted someone who was loud, different from the rest. Then they told me that anything that comes to easy is not good ( unnecessary bullshit advice to interviewees, the only thing we want to hear is your hired). The next interview, I returned to the same high school months later well prepared for the position but I was turned down because i was F.O.C (Fresh Out of College) and lacking of experience. You know its strange, they tell us we must get experience to get a job however, how can we get experience if we can't get a job? So now I'm volunteering my time to get some experience to get work to make my resume look better. How I get there? Bus fare from my parents and nothing in return. I can see now why young people sell drugs, scam white folks, rob and hustle; society wanted us to fail even when we try to succeed. They say we must be tough so we get tougher hence a wicked society. Trap houses are on the increase and workplaces on the decrease. Guns are on the increase and suitcases on the decrease. Hard times are here to stay. I know you'll say don't worry I'll get something but that's easier said than done. Right now we are tired of the preaching and counselling. I need action rather than words. So if I am doing the right thing why am I being punished for it?
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