The church debunked

The church today is one of the most powerful institutions on this planet. It governs our daily lives; sometimes with force or psychology.  However few people know they operate even in this day and age. Well,  it's time now. Here are somethings which most people don't know about the church or Christianity.

1 Doctrine
Doctrine is the belief system of the church. When you're baptised into a church, you're baptised into their doctrine.  That means anything they believe you believe in or anything they do you do. For example in some churches, baptised members speak in tongues but in another church these rules don't apply. So remember church equal doctrine.
2 Open mindedness
This is an area where the church fails in. You see, the church doesn't allow for open minded thinking.  This would be diabolical for most Christians. However, the bible does support open mindedness.  Where? Joshua 24:15-(And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord,  choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house,  we will serve the Lord.)  So what does this mean? Well you be the judge.
3 The Great Controversy
This is another area where the church has fell down. Most people are confused about God and the devil. Well, the great controversy is reason for all the problems in the world. The caused is best explained in revelation 13 and 14. In fact, understandind revelation is greatly needed in this time of earth's history.  With everything going on, understanding revelation is highly important.
4 The bible interpretation

Sigh. This is where many fall down.  The bible should not be interpreted.  Interpretation causes corruption.  The bible can explain itself.  God does not need man to explain what He's saying,  in fact the scriptures are clear as day. Any part that needs understanding has the interpretation nearby.  I'm tired of Christians or people coming up interpretations of the book such as they think God means this or that.  That's why many are confused. Remember never interpret the bible. Revelation 22:18, 19
5 the environment

Christians should learn how to take care of the environment.  Many want the big house and big car that pollutes the earth.  Remember God wants us to occupy until he comes not destroy until he comes. That means take care  of the earth.

6 Two churches
Many preachers say that there's only one church.  Wrong.  There are two churches; God's church and the devils church. God's church keeps all of God's commandments and keeps the testimony of Jesus. They will remain true to God in any weather.  The devil's church looks like God's church however, they keep all the customs of men and they rub shoulders with the rulers of this world.  They don't teach God's word or commandments and they have pagan roots. How to identify your church?  Read revelations.  It is the only way.

So that's it for now.  Test your faith and churches.  For testing the Spirit is good,  for God wants to be tested. Don't listen to your church and just believe. Test God for yourself for the devil is very smart and he is working in our churches. That's why God's people have no power anymore,  we need power in our church to fight our foe. Because Ephesians 6:12 is truly right. Remember be on your guard.


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