American dogs vs Jamaican dogs

Dogs are man's best friend. They are our most loyal companion even better than our own kind. This begs to wonder if dogs have a nationality? If you were to take a dog from one country and place it in another would you see any difference? Well we'll see if there's any difference with American dogs and Jamaican dogs.
1. Fetching
American dog catches the stick, brings it bank. Jamaican dog states at the stick and looks at you blankly.
2. Commands
The American dog has a brain like a computer, remember large series of commands. They can sit, heel,roll over, bark, stand up, fetch, play Dead, and etc. while the Jamaican dog only knows two commands; move and go round a back. Anything else will be useless.
3. Walking.
American owners always take their dogs on walks. They walk their dogs to every location possible with leases on. However, Jamaican dogs take themselves on walks to where ever they feel. Also there are no dog catchers or pounds.
4.  Health
American dogs are keep in a fairly healthy condition; they receive checkups frequently, they are fed a proper diet and they have the best exercises (yeah, they exercise unbelievable). Jamaican dogs, well, they are left up themselves. If they are sick, they will be expected to take care of themselves or they died (includes eating grass). After all, Jamaicans are poor people; we can barely take care of ourselves much less a dog.
American dogs are very clean; they are washed daily, their owners pick up their poo (nasty but some has to it). Jamaican dogs only bathe when it rains, poo everywhere and urination anywhere.

So that's it Jamaican dogs and American dogs, who you think is better?


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