How to be a good person

In life we strive for many things. We strive to be the best at what we do. We strive to be a winner and we strive to be a leader. However,  many of us fail to strive to be good persons. Now you may say that you are a good person because you are kind, loving, caring, generous and patient. You may also say that are a good person because you would never hurt or kill anyone. But if you were to examine yourself, would you be a good person? According to the bible there is no man that is good and that we are all wicked. Now you may say that is hogwash. But look into your thoughts and consider this, "am I a good person?" In your thoughts are many evil and wick ideas floating around. In fact, your would be similar to that of any average thief or murder. The only difference between you and the murder are that they are willing to execute their act at any cost. So the bible is right about no man being good. So how can we become a good person? We accept Jesus as our Savour and repent of our sins. You see Jesus died that we would become righteous and be happy. You see, God has a set of rules called the 10 commandments to make us good people and we are currently breaking them all. The only way for us to be a real good person is to accept Jesus and repent of our sins. Then he will teach us how to follow God's rules to righteousness. So accept Jesus today.


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