Lessons to be learned in life

In my life, I have encountered situation that have affected me for the better or worst. Some of these actions, I took now regret later on in my life. So for my younger readers and other in similar, here is my guidance from me to you.
  1. Know yourself. Knowing yourself is ideal for survival in today's society. Trying to be like someone else will do nothing but destroy you. Knowing yourself includes coming to realization of your strengths, weakness, likes, dislikes and interest. If people fail to accept you as you are then its best not to be associated with these people.
  2. Don't listen to everything that people say. Often person may things which they may hold as ideal and important or necessary for survival. These views are called opinions. Opinions have no basis to be applied to real life as open it comes from the individual's perspective and truly some people have a distorted perspective of life. A better option to stand on is factual information or following your gut instincts. Often times factual information or your instincts will lead you into a better outcome than public opinion.
  3. Set standards for yourself. Standards help to guide your life in the proper direction. It gives you a sense of fulfillment when they are achieved. It also helps to keep the person firm when different words of wind are being thrown around. Without standards you will be like a boat float on the ocean without a sail. 
  4. Be Careful Taking Advice from everyone. Advice is something that should be taken sparingly. Sometimes the person giving you the advice may not be fully aware of your situation which may result with the advice worsening the situation. So in terms of advice, first fully assess your situation and figure out steps that may be best suited. 
  5. Have Manners and Respect for Others.Good manners will take you throughout the world and respect for person will open up doors which you will never expect to come your way. Even if there are person who do not agree with you it is best to respect them as they have different perspectives to a situation than you are experiencing. 
  6. Know your limits. It is not necessary all the time to prove yourself to people. Most times, proving yourself can end up with you embarrassing yourself or placing your life in danger. It is best to take on a task which you know that can be done with your resources available. Otherwise seek help or walk away from that situation.
  7. Don't underestimate or stereotype anyone or anything. This is something I believe everyone should learn. Life is random and unpredictable. Anything can happen at anytime. People and situations can manipulate themselves to suit the environment which they are in and specific outcomes can happen when certain factors are in place. It is best to have an open mind to everything rather than a closed mind.
So here are my input to you my readers which I do hope will add value to your day or lives. 


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