These are the last days? So what?

You know everytime bad happens in the world, Christians are the first to remind us that these are the last days. When 9/11 happened, they say these are the last days. When there is a mass shooting somewhere in America, they wail " these days are the last days", when the recession began they cry " these are the last days", when same sex marriage is legalized they protest " these are the last days". Even when somebody dies due to violence, accident, or war they cry " these are the last days". Truly, thanks for the reminder but we don't really care. Human beings have been committing many atrocities from the beginning of time, so much so that we have learned to adapt to these misfortunes. We know that life is a game and a bitch plus the theme of life is survival of the fittest. This means that we should expect bad things to occur. Look at the animal kingdom, they know that death and pain is apart of their daily and they have learned to work with it. They don't cry and mourn when their children or leaders died, they just move on. It's called the circle of life. So let's look at  mankind. Since civilization began there has been wars, famine, earthquakes, storms and plague which has trouble man. However, one thing for sure, human have never been completely removed from the earth. So let's look at poverty. From the beginning of civilization, there was always the rich and the poor because mankind always had the desire to see their fellow man suffer while they achieve the best in life. The same goes in our society today, expect that we are a little more polished in our techniques of giving people false hope of prosperity (religion, church, education, social mobility).  Next let's look at murder, war and death. These are a necessary evil for the human race. If murders never happening happened the human race wouldn't be this advance as it is today. Murder/crime keeps people on their toes and alert; it also provides a living for certain people as you know not every person would be able to gain employment so they have to find ways to make money. In fact,  some criminals do more to benefit their  communities than members of the social elite or upper class. As in the case of wars, it helps in the development of technology and expansion of territory i.e. more resources. Death helps to control the population of earth as you know how really crowded the planet would be if we were all living.
So there you have it. The human race has not changed much since the beginning of time. So are these the last days? Well let's ask the next civilization when they come.


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