The Jamaican Countryside

Hello again everyone! I have returned again unto you. I have been busy with exams and I was in the Jamaican Parish of Manchester visiting my relative. Currently, I am at present in search of employment to serve my family and pay off my student loan. While I was in the countryside, I couldn't but help notice how beautiful Jamaica really is. You understand I live in Kingston and the sole matter I see often is concrete buildings, roads, cars, pollution and people; not to say I don't like people, but they tend to be exceedingly aggressive, uncouth, untidy, disorganized, scandalous, vicious and selfish. In addition, Kingston tends to be a plaza filled with high crime rates and poverty which means high stress rates for the dwellers. So I said to myself, I need some relief from all this stress and went to the cool Parish of Manchester to chill out from the heat in Kingston. While I was in Manchester, I could take in the beauty of God's creation; trees, birds, flowers, the stars (I look at them every night because I never catch them in Kingston due to the illuminations) and the air. I could feel the urban cleanse moving through my body and now I feel healthier and more energetic although I still yearn for my return to Manchester to free my mind and body. Maybe that's the way God meant it to be for humans to live in harmony with nature but we disregard his will and destroy the earth instead. We should really take care of the environment because there is no beauty that we can create which can surpass God's beauty. I have some photos of my journey and I will see you next time. Pray for me to get employment and send me a line sometime. I would be willing to her from you.


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