What I don't like

Yeah. Chief Keef's I don't like. Not my favourite song but it is the only thing that suits this topic. I'm a real person and I have many things ( people and situations) that I don't like. Some of these things are against what I support and some just irritate me. So now without wasting your time, here is the things that I don't like.

  1. Drama Queens- These are one class of people I really don't like. These people make simple things a major problem.They stress me out too. I know you're going to say that I need to learn to deal with these people but guess what, dealing with them makes you sick which makes you dead. So yeah, deal with them until they kill me. Good idea. 
  2. Boring/Lame People -  Many times, I would be around boring people and I would say " I'm bored. You want to do something?" They say " No. Thank you", then a few moments later they complain about being bored. Listen people, life is too dull without excitement. Smile a little or doing something fun The reason the way I am now is because boring influence my life too long. I go to a boring church, boring school, and live in a boring house and that has mostly been my routine for about all my life. Boring people need to lighten up or else your children will become boring. Imagine if there was no excitement in the world? No television, no theme parks, no sports, no America or the Caribbean and no movies. All these were created out of boredom for excitement. So yeah, be exciting.
  3. Wannabe " Sophisticated People" or just wannabes in general- Now I have nothing against sophisticated people, after all if you were born sophisticated that's who you are. But if you act like you're all that, well you deserve to be put in your place. I know people who act like they know the entire world but never step foot in the airport or dudes acting like they hard and tough  but never won a fight. Listen, humble yourself even the bible says so. Just be yourself and don't put on face.
  4. Vane People- I hate people who are full of themselves especially vane women. The whole world does not revolve you in fact to the rest of us you ain't that special. And then there are people who are vane over objects (materialistic). To these people if you don't have the finest car, finest clothes, a mansion on the hill or tons of money you are considered a nobody. Listen, when you were born, you had nothing and when you died, you had nothing. You eat just like me, you breathe like me and you walk like me. So we are all the same. The only thing different about us the way we think and where we live.
  5. Twisters- I hate when people get things twisting, I say one thing and they interpret another. These people even have the nerve to send false information around. Next thing you know people looking at you differently like you strange or something. For example, I'm a man who likes to keep my corner meaning I don't like social interactions or talking to people. Sometimes people would come up to me and ask if I'm ok or if I'm gay because they don't see me any girls around. I might say that ok just that I like people but not all up in my face or business. A few days later there are people moving away from me like I have the plague or something. When I get the confirmation, people still think I'm gay because the rumors they are hearing. Now because of these people, I now have to speak politically correct. And these same folks bug me for information. Shut up twisters and twist yourselves to hell.
  6. Serious People (Stone Faced Folks) - I can't take when people are always serious. I can understand in the working world but when we having fun, liming, or worshiping? Life is serious yeah but come on. You look like a block with a face. Lighten up.
  7. Leading people-This is the worst case scenario. Leading all these types of persons. Most persons you hear talking about leadership don't you anything about leadership. It's just something that the society glorifies as the best solution to the world. I know for sure any person can't be taught to be a leader because it will cause anyone to crack under the pressure. A person has to be born a leader not taught to be one. What they should be taught is how to be a followers since most people don't know how to follow. Followers don't follow without thinking, followers think then follow. That makes the world better not that leadership crap, people are not sheep, people are thinkers. We are independent and  dependent of each other. So think.
So there are the things or should I say people I don't like. I know your going to say I got issues or just deal with it but I'm sure you got issues too you're not dealing with it either. So take the beam out of your eye and fix your problems before you tell me what to do. You're no better than me. I don't mean any offensive but that's me. Harsh. Someone has to take a stand. So share with your friends and family.

Fire Blazing


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