The Jamaican Countryside

Hello again everyone! I have returned again unto you. I have been busy with exams and I was in the Jamaican Parish of Manchester visiting my relative. Currently, I am at present in search of employment to serve my family and pay off my student loan. While I was in the countryside, I couldn't but help notice how beautiful Jamaica really is. You understand I live in Kingston and the sole matter I see often is concrete buildings, roads, cars, pollution and people; not to say I don't like people, but they tend to be exceedingly aggressive, uncouth, untidy, disorganized, scandalous, vicious and selfish. In addition, Kingston tends to be a plaza filled with high crime rates and poverty which means high stress rates for the dwellers. So I said to myself, I need some relief from all this stress and went to the cool Parish of Manchester to chill out from the heat in Kingston. While I was in Manchester, I could take in the beauty of God's creation; trees, birds, flowers, the stars (I...